Monday, July 25, 2011

july 16

i love the special little moments that happen when we stay with family.  cousins in pjs together, shared meals, story time, play time - it's all very special.  unfortunately, with all of those good things often come bad things like shared illnesses.  i can always count on gavin to be sick right before a trip to cincinnati, and he inevitably gets stella sick and sometimes other cousins as well.  today while kevin and i were out for day #2 of house hunting, heather texted me to let me know that gavin had diarrhea and was vomiting.  my immediate instinct is that it must have come from one of the public pools the kids visited yesterday.  then my dad told me that a bunch of pools have been shut down in northern kentucky due to illness caused by feces from toddlers' swim diapers.  yuk.  just our luck.  it was quite a while before we were able to get home to gavin, so i owe my sister big time!  she took care of all the kids and cleaned up after gavin all day.  this is definitely not what we needed this trip.  the only saving grace of the day is that we found a house that we really love in a neighborhood that seems perfect for us.

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